Video Interviews +
Interview with Anthony Adams, 910 AM Superstation WFDF
Frank and Karen Hammer, SFDC Co-chairs Dec., 19, 2022
Interview with Urban Interest host Angela Mattews The Connection TV Show - about the State Fairgrounds Development Coalition and the grassroots fight over the fate of 142 acres of the former site of the Michigan State Fair at Woodward Ave and Eight Mile, Detroit, April 13, 2022. For more info, see “Responding to Mayor Duggan’s State of the City remarks about the Fairgrounds” on our home page.
Southfield Roundtable Host Euni Rose, along with SFDC's Frank and Karen Hammer, Roy McCalister,Jr. and TRU's Megan Owens, discuss the relationships between the Regional Transit Plan and the State Fairgrounds Development in Spring 2016.